Pentru ce…?Pentru ce sa accepti daca nu esti apreciat? Pentru ce sa sp Übersetzung - Pentru ce…?Pentru ce sa accepti daca nu esti apreciat? Pentru ce sa sp Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Pentru ce…?Pentru ce sa accepti dac

Pentru ce…?

Pentru ce sa accepti daca nu esti apreciat? Pentru ce sa speri daca totul este in zadar? Pentru ce sa suferi daca nici nu-i pasa de suferinta ta? Pentru ce sa fii bun daca bunatatea iti este calcata in picioare? Pentru ce sa astepti daca la final totul va fi la fel? Pentru ca sa te agati de trecut daca viitorul se arata mai promitator? Pentru ce sa traiesti din amintiri daca iti poti fauri altele noi? Pentru ce sa nu mergi mai departe daca aici nu ti-a mai ramas nimic?
Pentru ce? NU AI PENTRU CE!
Von: Rumänisch
Zu: Englisch
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
what ...?

for you to accept if you are not appreciated? what to hope that everything is in vain? for you to suffer if not cared for your suffering? why be good if you goodness is trashed? what to expect if the end everything will be the same? to cling to the past when the future looks most promising?for you to live in the memories if you can Fauri new ones? why not go ahead if there is not anything you have left?
for what? You're welcome!
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
For what ...?

For you to accept if you're not appreciated? For what hope if everything is in vain? Why do you suffer if you don't care about your suffering? For that to be good if the kindness is trashed in feet? Why wait if finally everything will be the same? In order to cling to the past if the future looks more promising? For you to live in memories If you can fauri new ones? Why not go ahead if here did he left anything?
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
Why ... ?

why do you accept if you're not appreciated? "What does that have to do you hope if everything is in vain? "What does that have to be harmed if he didn't care of your affliction? "What does that have to be so kind if you kindness is slapdash work? For what to expect if at the end everything will be the same? For that to cling on to the past if future looks more promising?"What does that have to live in our memories if you can forge new ones? "What does that have to do not go further if here you have nothing?
for what? YOU DON'T WHY!
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